

I caught a glimmer of light and it told me I’d spent all my memories bathing in shit. I caught a glimmer in the middle of mealtime devouring darkness. It was an accident. My head poked through the edge of a shadow and there it all was. Fire. Stars. Parades stampeding music into my bones and mainlining beauty straight to my soul and my eyes were gluing themselves to the fabric. Then, with the flick of a wisp full of wind I found myself drowning again in the shit and the shadows. And as I look around my dark home I bleed dissatisfaction. I was broken by the world outside of here, cursed to find no solace until that music comes back and my heart fills once more with whatever that was that spilled into it. Happiness once assumed like background noise has become a worthless attribute without the colors that I used to know. And I stink like lust now worse than the shit I’m surrounded with. I reek of sweat from digging for fallen shards of those stars I can only imagine exist the way my memories claim that they do. I reek of hope and it rots like maggots consuming the husk of complacency I used to consider my skin. I dream that my dreams will swallow me up and I’ll never know the pain of waking again.

Because I caught a glimmer of light and that light caught me in its eyes and it changed me forever. And my heart was caught in the jaws of this world and when I receded the thing began bleeding and ached to be swallowed, breathlessly screaming for this place that it saw. With the taste still in its mouth it led me like a lantern through mazes and tunnels and all those scary places I’d never willingly go and when those waves of pain came I’d try to protect it and close it and keep it safe but it always stayed open even when plastered with rains of falling glass fragments or haunted by the burdensome weight of old ghosts like rejection, regret and early goodbyes. And I’d try to protect it and close it and keep it safe from those things but I couldn’t stop it because I realized what I fear more than being killed by my passion is that I would kill it. So my heart goes forward, much braver than I, still with the taste in its mouth and the music in its ears.

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