
Old poems from high school

I found some work I did for High school and thought I should move it here.

If you

If you sell pieces of your humanity
Pass them off as your currency
And rap them up for the black market
While the world sulks in a crude casket

If your fame is airborne on blazing wings
Rocketed out to space leaving smoke rings
That linger on to masticate the ozone
While you live up and above all alone

If you make people tremble in fear
Of losing their families and all they hold dear
Enslaving villages with the army of Nike
And with your axe try to strike at their psyche

If you breed death in your giant factories
While sitting down and sipping Peach daiquiris
Acting like you never did nothing wrong
Paying your parrots to keep singing that song

If you regret nothing and enjoy every ounce
Of pain you have caused so you can trounce
Then remember this one sole simple line
You are an enemy of mine

For Tomorrow

Heaven is a struggle
A drop of your blood hitting pavement
A cramp from your shoulders burden
Its when, for a lifetime, you bite your lip
You try to ignore the pain, to keep going
You hold onto your hope
You keep your fist up
While torment haunts your every turn

Heaven is a place
A solitary grave in Nowhere
A giant globe on your back
Its when, for eternity, you are a pedestal
Even your corpse holds the position
You keep it mounted
Without your endurance
It would fall to the ground and shatter

Heaven is a sunset
Over a golden woods
From eyes of your children
They watch their precious, thriving forest
Where the birds sing and the rivers dance
Where life breathes through the very lips
That holds your kiss

Divine Fall

Every line was checked and doubled
Every hook pulled and tightened
My equipment will cause no trouble
And yet I am severely frightened
My bodys tension is not subtle
And my heart beat quickly heightens
I only hope I have the mettle
I only hope my nerve wont lighten

Eyes of mine watch the shadows
Graze upon the black abyss
Oh you sweet and gorgeous tableau
Oh you vixen, lay your kiss
May all my crude, blackened blood flow
May all my sounds be one queer hiss
May my true prideful spirit glow
And write its name upon Deaths list

Dive for treasure or for meaning
Fly for one last piece of hope
Dive forever and without reason
Fly so that I may float
Master fear and conquer treason
Of my bodys quaking coat
Lose the shackles, gain true freedom
Until the tension takes the rope

Not for now and never more
I will not end this at Ballade
It is my future I deplore
Oh Sir Time please send your nod
And freeze this place forevermore
Before my rope begins to prod
Please do not let me see the floor
Right now Im busy touching God

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