
Double-helix is just a Figment of some guy's acid trip

According to this article: http://www.serendipity.li/dmt/crick_lsd.htm the famous double-helix design used to depict the structure of DNA was nothing more than an LSD induced hallucination. Because entheogens have no value in human society other than forming fringe hippy cults, this obviously means the Double-Helix design is obsolete, and we should find a new image to demonstrate DNA. While we're at it, we should ban Alice in Wonderland, and anything made by Aldous Huxley.

To be clear, I don't think entheogens are the key to enlightenment, but they sure help the process by cutting away any unnecessary thought-patterns that inhibit the act of self-witnessing. Obviously habitual usage of anything, including entheogens, is detrimental, but I've found they were exactly the medicine my mind needed during profound moments of confusion in my life.

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