I'll get the "pseudo-science" out of the way now so Skeptics can respond directly rather than read the entire post. This idea leans very heavily upon studies done with perception of electrons, and that is essentially the only evidence but I think it's rather good evidence. Basically when scientists try to predict the path or spin of particles, they discover their expectations were deciding both the path and spin. In other words until they observed the electron it was literally exhibiting all possible outcomes. Perception caused one outcome to manifest rather than the others. At this level of observation, particles take on the characteristics that we most expect them to. Imagine using a Guess and Check table for observing particles, only your first guess was always right because the particles had no right answer until one was provided for them. Feel free to sigh and roll your eyes if you think I'm misinforming people on the conclusions reached with these studies. To me it seems undeniable that our expectations have a direct effect on reality. This line people have conjured up between mind and body (imagination and material) is illusory. Like just about everything else in the universe, it exists on a spectrum.
The problem with solipsism is it invokes the idea that one mind is in control of everything, this mind is solid and non-fractional. The Hindu form is much more appealing to logic: One single mind has divided into every droplet of disconnected awareness. But enough with theology. Accepting the postulate that mind, energy and mass are all basically the same, one can begin to see the connection between what is manifest and what is possible. And between what is imaginable and what is possible. Consider the idea that every expectation in the world creates for itself a possible future and as long as that future does not get impeded by other, more powerfully expected futures, it will manifest. Now you understand the war of expectations. Our expectations compete as they are pulled ever closer to the present moment. When you desire something, you are creating a force that both pulls it in and pushes it away. The pushing away force is stemmed from your clinging to this desire. Your fear of an outcome outside of this desire in fact empowers these other outcomes and makes them more likely. In much the same way when you fear something, you are creating a force which is both pulling and pushing. To exercise one's power over expectations, one must accept all possible outcomes and fear none.
Your expectations are directly affected by your mood. If you are angry, for instance, you'll have some ego-driven energy to feed off but this, in turn, empowers aggression and makes violence a more likely outcome, handing victory over to those who prefer aggression (such as police. In other words never get angry at a cop or you'll make him stronger). If you want your expectations to be stronger than others, you must focus on inner peace and non-being. Non-being is the greatest source of energy.
Books like The Secret can be misleading because they tell you anything you imagine is possible, you just have to believe in it hard enough. This is false, believing in things really hard does not make them more possible if you're too attached to the outcome. It will make you frustrated, though, and less likely to believe your expectations hold any real power. Keep the Collective Reality in mind. If your expectations are to manifest, they must agree with the overwhelming collective expectation. In other words it's a lot easier for a telekinetic to do his thing if he's surrounded by a room full of people that believe in telekinesis. Cynics literally dull the universe. Your expectations of people can also influence the way they behave. By expecting people to behave a certain way, you are providing for them an intuitive compulsion to behave that way. While it is necessary to accept what is, it is also necessary to keep in mind the best possible result. When dealing with people in controversial circumstances (such as being stopped by a police officer) its far easier to expect the other party to behave immaturely or in an undesirable way than it is to expect them to behave positively. However, by keeping these positive expectations in mind without being attached to their outcomes, you are actually providing intuitions for the people around you to behave better and with more compassion.
Hence the greatest weapon is compassion. In fact, if our enemies are corruption, greed, ignorance, apathy, oppression and violence then compassion is our only weapon. Acting from any other emotion (rage, pleasure, boredom) and you have already lost, or even worse you've become a foot soldier for what you're fighting against.